Lista publikacji:
- Szewczyk D., Jankowski R., Ślefarski R., Chmielewski J.: Experimental study of the combustion process of gaseous fuels containing nitrogen compounds with the use of new, low-emission Zonal Volumetric Combustion technology,; Energy (1 December 2015),
- Chmielewski J., Jankowski R., Szewczyk D.: Nowe technologie redukcji emisji substancji szkodliwych z obiektów energetycznego spalania małej i średniej mocy oparte o metody pierwotne i wtórne umożliwiające spełnienie nowych norm emisji spalin; 12th International Conference on Boiler Technology, October 21-24, 2014, Szczyrk, Poland - wersja polska
- Szewczyk D.: Zalety technologii spalania objętościowego HiTAC w procesach utylizacji gazów niskokalorycznych (Advantages of HiTAC volumetric combustion technology in low calorific gases utilization systems); I Krajowe Seminarium Inzynierii Cieplnej i Wodnej (Water&Heat 2012), June 5-6, 2012, Cracow, Poland - wersja polska
- Szewczyk D., Skotnicki P.: HiTAC technology combined with HRS burners in a walking beam steel reheating furnace; 8HiTACG 2010, July, 5-7, 2010, Poznan, Poland - wersja angielska
- Szewczyk D., Engdahl J., Stachowski A.: High Temperature Burners (HTB) as the result of the connection of HiTAC combustion technology with central recuperative systems; 8HiTACG 2010, July, 5-7, 2010, Poznan, Poland - wersja angielska
- Szewczyk D., Kamecki A., Skotnicki P., Szydlowski A.: Copper blast furnace waste gas utilization system as a new field of HiTAC combustion technology; 8HiTACG 2010, July, 5-7, 2010, Poznan, Poland - wersja angielska
- Szewczyk D., Skotnicki P., Stachowski A.: HiTAC - one combustion technology - a wide range of industrial applications; 8HiTACG 2010, July, 5-7, 2010, Poznan, Poland - wersja angielska
- Pronk P., Hoppesteyn P.D.J.: Increasing the capacity and fuel efficiency of reheat furnaces for steel slabs; 8th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers, March 25-28, 2008, Vilamoura - wersja angielska
- Blasiak W., Yang W.: Volumetric combustion of coal and biomass in boilers; 7th High Temperature Air Combustion and Gasification International Conference, HiTACG 2008, January 13-16, 2008, Phuket, Thailand - wersja angielska
- Pronk P., Lewis B., Hoppesteyn P.D.J.: Industrial Application of High Efficiency Combustion; 15th IFRF Members Conference, June 13-15, 2007, Pisa, Italy - wersja angielska
- Szewczyk D., Forsberg B.: High-Cycle Regenerative Systems (HRS Burners) and High Temperature Air Combustion Technology (HiTAC) - European industrial application; ISNGU, September 25-26, 2006, Poznan, Poland - wersja angielska
- Szewczyk D., Swiderski A.: Energooszczedne i niskoemisyjne technologie uzytkowania gazu ziemnego w piecach przemyslowych; ENERGIA 2005, Poznan, Poland - wersja polska
- Szewczyk D., Sudo J., Swiderski A., Forsberg B.: Over decade of the industrial experiences in high temperature air combustion applied with HRS regenerative burners; 6th HiTAC, October 17-19, 2005, Essen, Germany - wersja angielska
- Blasiak W., Mortberg M., Rafidi N., Krishnamurthy N., Yang W., Kalisz S., Szewczyk D.: Study and application of High Temperature Air Combustion for gas fuels and wastes; 14th IFRF Members Conference, May 2004, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands - wersja angielska
- Rafidi N., Blasiak W.: Experimental study: thermal performance of ceramic regenerative heat exchangers used in HiTAC regenerative burning systems; 25th Topic Oriented Technical Meeting, 2003, Stockholm, Sweden - wersja angielska
- Tsuji H., Gupta A.K., Hasegawa T., Katsuki M., Kishimoto K., Morita M.: High Temperature Air Combustion: From Energy Conservation to Pollution Reduction; CRC Press, 2003 - Kup/Pobierz
- Quinqueneau A.: Integration of the new high-performance low NOx techniques, called "flameless oxidation" into industrial processes using natural gas; 14th IFRF Members Conference, May 2004, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands - wersja angielska
- Sudo J., Hasegawa T.: Advanced HRS Technology and Its Industrial Applications; 4th International Symposium on High Temperature Air Combustion and Gasification, November 2001, Rome, Italy - wersja angielska
- Szewczyk D., Dobski T.: Combustion of low caloric natural gases in highly preheated air; 17th International Symposium on Combustion Processes, September, 24-27, 2001, Poznan, Poland - wersja angielska
- Hasegawa T., Kishimoto S., Suzukawa Y.: Environmentally - compatible Regenerative Combustion Heating System; 2001 Joint International Combustion Symposium, September 9-12, 2001, Hawaii, USA - wersja angielska
- Mohri T., Yoshioka T., Hozumi Y., Shiozaki T., Hasegawa T., Mochida S., Tauchi M., Maruyama S.: Development on Advanced High-Temperature Air Combustion Technology for Steam Reforming Process; 2001 Joint International Combustion Symposium, September 9-12, 2001, Hawaii, USA - wersja angielska
- Blasiak W., Szewczyk D., Dobski T.: Influence of N2 addition on combustion of single jet of methane in highly preheated air; International Joint Power Generation Conference, June 4-7, 2001, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA - wersja angielska
- Gupta A.K.: Flame characteristics and challenges with High Temperature Air Combustion; 2000 International Joint Power Generation Conference, July 23-26, 2000, Miami Beach, Florida, USA - wersja angielska
- Mochida S., Hasegawa T.: Development of a combustion diagnostis method on advanced industrial furnaces making use of high temperature air combustion; Forum on High Performance Industrial Furnace and Boiler, March 8-9, 1999, Japan - wersja angielska
- Tanaka R., Hasegawa T.: Innovative technology to change flame characteristics with highly preheated air combustion; Japanese Flame Days 97, JFRC 20th Anniversary, May 16-17, 1997, Osaka, Japan - wersja angielska
- Hasegawa T., Tanaka R., Niioka T.: Combustion with high temperature low oxygen air in regenerative burners; The First Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, May 12-15, 1997, Osaka, Japan - wersja angielska
