Inquiry ICS/Q/004/2015/ICS127/RJ

Poster Naglowek EN 1

According the running project "Study of low emission technology of burning the gas fuels (low-, average-, and high-calorie) containing the higher hydrocarbons and CXHYNZ, NXHY, CXHYSZ type compounds based on the modifierd HiTAC volumetric combustion technology", financially supported by The National Centre for Research and Development within III INNOTECH competition program we are going to buy service execution study of the impact of physiochamical properties of gas on the temperature profile in the combustion chamber and the process of the formation of harmful compounds. The offer must include the scope of work described below and take into account the following guidelines and requirements.

The scope of work covered by question

  1. Phase I - Test of injector system:
    1.1 Make the characteristic of injector system making the characteristics of the injector fuel supply system - the relation between suction air flow and flow rate of suction refrigerant.
    It is possible to make the charecteristics for the case in which air is sucked factor.
    1.2 Make the report presenting the results of tests carried out.
    In the case where the air will be sucked factor, in a report to be presented characteristics of the actual/measured and translated to reference fuel (labeled P01).
    1. Phase II - Preliminary testing stand:
    2.1 Make tests to determinate heat loss to the enviroment - it is allowed to make a test during which, the fuel will be natural gas or other gas guels avaliable in the Research Unit.
    Test should be a long-term test (minimum 12 hours) in order to obtain thermal equilibrium of the entire system.
    2.2 Make tests to determine the amount of energy charbed by the cooling water aspiration probe.
    2.3 The term (measure) the amount of exhaust sucked by the probe aspiration.
    2.4 Make the report presenting the results of the tests (section 2.1, 2.2, 2.3).
    The report shall include results of the tests are presented as a function of the duration of the test. Furthemore, on the basis thereof should be conducted heat balance of the whole system, also made a function of the duration of the test.
    1. Phase III - Prepare Experiment Stand to experimental test:
    3.1 Instalation parts of stand in accordance with the scope of supply belonging to the Contractor, shown in sheet (Figures ICS127-10-00-00-00-00-00-00 and ICS127-20-00-00-00-00-00-00 will be provided by ICS for the written request of an interested party).

    Test run stand to validate the installation and functioning of the system (in particular measuring devices).

    1. Phase IV – Make of experimental combustion of synthetic gas:
    4.1 Make fundamental research, according to the program presented in Table 1.
    4.2 Make additional (optional) research, according to the program presented in Table 2.

    During each test, both fundamental and additional research done:

    4.3.1 measurement of the temperature distribution in the combustion chamber,
    4.3.2 measuring the distribution of chemical compounds in the combustion chamber (CO, NO, CO2, O2),
    Measurements are presented in Section 4.3.1 and 4.3.2 will be done at three levels of the chamber. At each level will be located 15 measurement points, a total of 45 points.
    4.3.3 measuring the composition of exhaust gases leaving the combustion chamber (CO, NO, CO2, O2, CXHY, SO2, soot),
    Measurement of sulfur dioxide and soot will be carried out using analyzers supplied by the Purchaser. The Contrector must provide the ability to record the results of measurements.
    4.3.4 measuring the flow rate of the individual components of the test gas: carbon monoxide, methane, hydrogen-carbon dioxide, nitrogen, ammonia, benzene (liquid phase), pyridine (liquid phase), mixtures of nitrogen and hydrogen sulfide (5% hydrogen sulfide),
    4.3.5 measuring the flow rate of primary, secondary and suction air (in the case of the injector system),
    4.3.6 measuring the temperature in the flue (4 points),
    4.3.7 measuring the temperature inside the combustion chamber (4 points),
    4.3.8 measurement of all sizes temperatures and pressures (air and fuel) shown in the sheet (Figure ICS127-10-00-00-00-00-00-00 and Figure ICS127-20-00-00-00-00-00-00) and the measurement of ambient pressure,
    4.3.9 continuous measurement of the composition of the tested fuel (gas).
    This measurement should be considered as an additional (optional).

    tabela 1 miniaturaTabela 2 miniatura

    1. Phase V – Make summary report experimental studies of synthetic gas combustion process:
    5.1 Preparation of the report presenting the results of research and detailed description of the research, equipment used. This study must also include records of calibration devices (for example Gas analyzers, etc.) and used quality certifications (for example Calibration gases).
    5.2 The dokumentation will be delivered to the Purchaser in 2 copies. Paper and in electonic form, on CD/DVD, the development of text - text editor MS WORD, calculations - MS EXCEL spreadsheet.


    Terms of realization subject of inquiry

    1. All measured values must be recorded as a text file of a file editable using MS EXCEL spreadsheet
    2. The sampling time (recording measured values), depending on technical possibilities should be 5 - 10 seconds.
    3. During the research should be kept constant parameter values of the system. The values of acceptable deviation are given below:
    3.1 the temperature in the combustion chamber: ± 2,5% of the reference value,
    3.2 the temperature of the exhaust gas flowing from the chamber: ± 2,5% of the reference value,
    3.3 the temperature of combustion air: ± 2,5% of the reference value,
    3.4 the temperature of fuel: ± 2,5% of the reference value,
    3.5 the share of individual components of the gas being analyzed (XCO, XCH4, XH2, XCO2, XN2, XC6H6, XC5H5N, XNH3, XH2S): ± 2,5% of the reference value,


    excess air factor (λP, λS, λTOT)

    3.6.1 for values λ ≤ 0,9: ± 5,0% of the reference value,
    3.6.2 for values λ > 0,9: ± 2,5% of the reference value.
    The values of deviations on the average value of the measured value (recorded) during 2 minutes.
    3.7 The temperature and the compotision of exhaust gases in the combustion chamber should be implemented by a water-cooled aspiration probe.
    Experiment stand is equipped with connectors for entering into the combustion chamber of the probe. They are made in the form joints with a diameter od 1'' (internal thread).

    Requirements for measuring devices:

    1. The analyzer for measurement of carbon monoxide in the exhaust gas:
    1.1 range: 0÷11%, 
    1.2 accuracy: min. ±1% full scale. 
    1. The analyzer formeasurement of nitric oxide in the exhaust gas:
    2.1 range: 0÷1.000 ppm, 
    2.2 accuracy: min. ±1% full scale. 
    1. The analyzer for measurement of carbon dioxide in the exhaust gas:
    3.1 range: 0÷25%, 
    3.2 accuracy: min. ±1% full scale.
    1. The analyzer for measurement of oxygen in the exhaust gas:
    4.1 range: 0÷30%, 
    4.2 accuracy: min. ±1% full scale.
    1. The analyzer for measurement of hydrocarbons in the exhaust gas:
    5.1 range: 0÷1%, 
    5.2 accuracy: min. ±1% full scale. 
    1. The flowmeter for measurement of flow rate of carbon monoxide:
    6.1 range: 0÷400 Nl/min., 
    6.2 accuracy: min. ±1% full scale. 
    1. The flowmeter for measurement of flow rate of methane:
    7.1 range: 0÷200 Nl/min., 
    7.2 accuracy: min. ±1% full scale. 
    1. The floemeter for measurement of flow rate of hydrogen:
    8.1 range: 0÷300 Nl/min., 
    8.2 accuracy: min. ±1% full scale. 
    1. The flowmeter for measurement of flow rate carbon dioxide:
    9.1 range: 0÷1.000 Nl/min., 
    9.2 accuracy: min. ±1% full scale. 
    1. The flowmeter for measurement of flow rate of nitrogen:
    10.1 range: 0÷1.600 Nl/min., 
    10.2 accuracy: min. ±1% full scale. 
    1. The flowmeter for measurement of flow rate of ammonia:
    11.1 range: 0÷7Nl/min., 
    11.2 accuracy: min. ±1% full scale. 


    The term of realization subject query

    1. Signing of the contract: from 05.10.2015 to 16.10.2015
    2. Phase I: from 19.10.2015 to 30.10.2015
    3. Phase II: from 02.11.2015 to 13.11.2015
    4. Phase III: from 16.11.2015 to 11.12.2015
    5. Phase IV: from 14.12.2015 to 12.02.2016
    6. Phase V: from 15.02.2016 to 26.02.2016

    The offer should contain the following trade information:

    1. The price of fundamental work
      The bid price must be complete, unambigous and cover all costs related to the execution of the query (will not be considered variants or part-range).
    2. The price of additional (optional) work (section 4.2 and 4.3.9)
      It is not required to present the offer to research optional, but in the case to its conclusion in the offer it is necessary to provide separate prices for each research.
    3. The proposed payment terms.

    Additional information:

    • Closing date of offer placement: 3 o'clock pm, 2nd October 2015 (decide the date of receipt of the offer).
    • The offer should be sent by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or deliver to the registered office of the Company ICS:
      ICS Industrial Combustion Systems Sp. z o.o.
      ul. Jana Ostroroga 17/1
      60-349 Poznań
      with a note: „ICS127 – Offer to research”.
    • The criterion for assessing the bid: price - 100% (the cheapest offer will be chosen).
    • Validity of the offer: 30 days.
    • Additional information can be obtained by calling +48 606 761 620 or by sending a request by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    Project is co-financed by the National Centre for Research , please include on offer the following statements:

    „We declare that the UNIT NAME, based in TOWN, STREED NAME AND NUMBER:

    1. it is not affiliated or subsidiary, jointly or dominant in the relationship with the company ICS within the meaning of the Act of 29 September 1994. Accounting (Dz. U. z 2013 r. poz. 330, z pózn. zm.),
    2. it is not an entity remaining with the company ICS or members of its bodies in such a ratio factual or legal, which may raise justified doubts as to the impartiality of the selection of a supplier of goods or services, in particular unmarried, consanguinity or affinity to the second degree inclusive, respect adoption, guardianship or custody, including through membership in the bodies of the supplier of the goods or services,
    3. it is not affiliat3ed or partner-against the company ICS within the meaning of Commission Regulation (WE) Nr 800/2008 of 6 August 2008. declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the common market in application of Art. 87 and 88 of the Treaty (general regulation on block starts),
    4. it is not affiliated with the Company ICS personality within the meaning of Art. 32 paragraphs 2 of the Act of 11 March 2004. tax on goods and services (Dz. U. Nr 54, poz. 535 z pózn. zm.).”


    The project financially supported by the National Centre for Research and Development and European Union under the European Regional Development Fund



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